Thursday, July 21, 2011

Sea Grapes or What?

(click on a picture to enlarge it)

When I walked to the beach last night, I noticed two kinds of plants or shrubs growing next to each other. The one plant or shrub I always called sea grapes. It is a shrub that grows on or by the sand dunes. Obviously it loves the salt air. Birds love the berries growing on these shrubs. This is the first picture above.

I’m not sure what the other plant is called. I’ve included a couple of pictures of it. Is this mystery plant also a type of sea grape or does it have another name?

When I took biology in high school, it was not my strongest subject. There were just too many strange sounding names for me to remember and keep straight. Some people can walk in a forest and identify every tree by its leaf. I can’t remember much beyond an oak and a maple.

If anyone reading this blog knows the name of the mystery plant, please feel free to identify it in a comment.

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