Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Hungry Sandpiper!

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It is a very nice day on the beach today. There is a light wind from the west and the water is clean. Unlike much of November, there is no evidence of seaweed. I saw a couple of people fishing. The one with whom I talked had caught one whiting and a nice blue fish. Overall, he said that fishing was slow. Although the ocean is very fishable today, I doubt if it will prompt much in the way of pompano activity because of the westerly wind.

I saw this sandpiper scouring the beach for his dinner. Often I see birds digging in sand flea pods for their meal. There was, however, no evidence of sand fleas today. Perhaps the warmer weather will prompt them to come out.

1 comment:

Mikesfarm said...

Siggy, Thanks so much for the blog. It makes it easier to decide to go fishing or not without driving. I went today. The tide was low, but the bluefish bit nonstop. I caught over a dozen, but did not catch the monster I seek to smoke. I like the west wind and sun to my back. It was a great day surf fishing.