Monday, January 12, 2009

Full Moon at the Beach

I seldom go to the beach at night time, but last night was an exception. The moon looked so gigantic in the eastern sky that I just had to go down and take a look at how the moon looked from the beach. As you can see, it was quite a site. A couple came walking by as I stood there. I said hello to them, but they must have been so enamored by the romance of the evening that they never returned the greeting!

Unlike so many days the last couple of weeks, today doesn’t look like a good beach day. It is overcast and perhaps a little drizzly. I expect the beach will be as deserted this afternoon as it was packed yesterday afternoon.

The northerly wind is light today. The water appears clean and the ocean is pretty flat. I don’t know how the fishing will be. The people with whom I talked with the last couple of days were not catching much. I wonder where the pompano went?

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