Friday, January 2, 2009

Sea Shells in a Pile

There are a lot of things I observe on the beach but don’t understand. One of the things I don’t understand is how shells can accumulate on one part of the peach and not another. I was walking the beach and you could see a few shells scattered here and there. At one spot, however, there was a pile of shells. Today’s picture shows what I saw. From what you can see on the rest of the beach, there are very few shells.

There have been times when I have seen piles of shells much deeper than what is pictured. Why do shells sometimes accumulate on one point on the beach? And, what is the significance of shells accumulated at a certain spot?

Yesterday the wind was strong and there were many whitecaps visible. The water, however, was clean since the wind was out of the northeast. Today the wind is out of the southeast, but the water is still clean. I encountered only one man fishing this morning, but he was not catching anything.

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