Sunday, January 4, 2009

Sand Fleas

Non-fisherpersons who read this blog may not know what critter is pictured above. Anyone who fishes for pompano knows that these are sand fleas. This is not an insect but an arthropod (crustacean) called an amphipod that lives in sandy beach environments. Its diet consists of organic and decaying plant material (such as seaweeds on the beach). Very simply you may describe them as a small crustacean light in color and oval in shape up to an inch in length. You can often find them burrowing into the sand after a wave breaks.

At this time of the year they get difficult to find on the beach. The cold weather makes them burrow deeper in the sand. The warm weather we’ve been experiencing the last couple of weeks should make them readily available at times. Check my post for December 1, 2008 for what sand flea colonies are like when the fleas are plentiful.

If you are interested in fishing, the conditions are decent for today. There is a southeast wind, but the water is still fairly clear. There are a goodly number of people on the beach today taking advantage of the beautiful weather.

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